Handy travel tips during train service disruptions

In case of train service suspension, simply follow these simple steps to help you continue your journey:

Latest Service Information

Check the latest service information through the official channels:

Mobil app Website
High Speed Rail

From Hong Kong West Kowloon Station

  • Stay calm and be patient
  • Check the announcements and updates on the Passenger Information Display System
  • Follow staff instructions
  • Allow more time for travel and immigration procedures
  • 💡If you are in Ticketing Concourse on Level B1, you can consider the following options:

  • Walk to Austin Station and take the Tuen Ma Line to Hung Hom. Then take the East Rail Line at Hung Hom and enter the Mainland through Lo Wu or Lok Ma Chau
  • Look for other cross-border transport options to reach your destination

From the Mainland Stations or On the Train

  • Check the latest service information through 12306 official mobile app or website
  • Pay attention to train announcements or updates on the Passenger Information Display System
  • 💡If your train to Hong Kong is cancelled, you can consider taking the East Rail Line from Lo Wu or Lok Ma Chau to reach your destination

Ticket Refunds

In the event of train service suspension or disruption, ticket refunds can be obtained within 30 days through:

  • 12306 official mobile app and website
  • Ticketing counters at stations*
  • 💡Please ensure that the refund fee is $0 before proceeding. Please go to the ticketing counter if you have any question
    *Please bring with you all identification documents used for your ticket purchase

Train service during adverse weather

Please take the following into consideration before your departure:

  • Check the latest service information using the 12306 or High Speed Rail official mobile app or website
  • If your train is cancelled:

    • Consider modifying your ticket and itinerary
    • If necessary, you can obtain a ticket refund within 30 days

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