Same-day Flexi-trip Arrangement

Starting from 18 March 2024, the Same-day Flexi-trip Arrangement extends from Futian to Shenzhenbei. Passengers traveling between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Futian Station or Shenzhenbei Station can make extra three last-minute changes to their train trips on the day of travel using the Same-day Flexi-trip Arrangement*, in addition to the General Ticket Alteration. There is no service charge.

5 Key Points of Flexi-trip Arrangement

  1. Applicable for passengers travelling between West Kowloon Station and Futian Station or Shenzhenbei Station who wish to make changes to their train trip for the same day on the day of travel
  2. Allow to change your train trip up to 3 times. Change of station is not allowed
  3. Must be processed no later than 1 hour after train departs
  4. Select a new departure from the trains with Shenzhenbei or Futian Station as a terminal station. Passengers for Futian can also select Shenzhenbei trains that make a stopover at Futian
  5. A ticket with the same Class of Travel as the original ticket will be arranged

*If you have not altered your ticket before and it is not past the cut-off time for the General Ticket Alteration, you must first use the General Ticket Alteration to change your train trip. Afterward, you can use Flexi-trip Arrangement for additional changes. Cut-off time for General Ticket Alteration is 45 minutes before the train departs from Hong Kong and 30 minutes before the train departs from Mainland

Warm Reminders:

  • When processing the Flexi-trip Arrangement, passengers holding Second Class Tickets may be assigned Non-reserved Seat Tickets, which may require standing during the journey. This arrangement is not applicable to passengers holding "First Class" and above tickets
  • Refunds are not available for tickets that have been changed through Flexi-trip Arrangement

Recommended Ways to Change Ticket through Flexi-trip

The most convenient way to process Flexi-trip is through self-service. It only takes a few steps to complete.

  • 12306 official mobile app and website (Chinese platform only)
  • West Kowloon Station
    • Before entering the gate: Ticket Machines (at the Ticketing Concourse on Level B1)
    • After immigration: Flexi-trip Self-service Points (at the opposite to the Gate no. 11 in Departure Concourse on Level B3)
  • Futian Station and Shenzhenbei Station
    • Ticket Machines

Warm Reminders:

  • Flexi-trip can also be processed at the Ticketing Counters of West Kowloon, Futian and Shenzhenbei stations
  • 12306 is available for registered users only on Chinese platform. It processes Flexi-trip for tickets paid by e-Payments
  • Self-service Points only accept Home Return Permit, Mainland China Resident Identity Card and Mainland China Passport. The Ticket Machines at Futian and Shenzhenbei stations, in addition to the abovementioned identification documents, also accept foreign passport in selected machines
  • When using Flexi-trip through Ticket Machines, Flexi-trip Self-service Points and Ticketing Counters, only one ticket can be handled at a time
  • Self-service Points do not have a printing function. Please take a photo of the new ticket information to facilitate boarding
  • Passengers who have collected the Reimbursement Receipt can only process Flexi-trip at the Ticketing Counters. You must return the Receipt when processing it. We suggest you to collect the Receipt after travel

Other Information:

Same-day Flexi-trip Arrangement Handy Guide

Same-day Flexi-trip Arrangement Leaflet

Notes of Same-day Flexi-trip Arrangement

Details on General Ticket Alteration